The Crescent Dam on the Mohawk River

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The Crescent Dam on the Mohawk River
The Dam from the Gate House 

The Crescent Dam on the Mohawk River is the second dam on the Mohawk River. Upstream from the dam is where the Barge Canal joins the Mohawk River. The gatehouse by this area feeds the power canal, once the old Erie Canal, that supplies water to the hydroelectric plant downstream in Cohoes.

The Crescent Dam, built in 1905, spans the Mohawk River, creating a serene reservoir behind it that's perfect for fishing, kayaking, and canoeing. The area is surrounded by lush green forests, making it a popular spot for hiking and picnicking as well. Visitors can also take in views of the nearby Cohoes Falls, a natural wonder that's just a short drive away.

The Crescent Dam has undergone several renovations over the years to ensure its safety and longevity. It now features a series of floodgates that can be opened and closed to regulate water levels in the river, reducing the risk of flooding during heavy rainfall or snowmelt.